October 1: Aries Full Moon
This is one of two Full Moons that October brings us. Like all Full Moons, this brings an opportunity for us to release. There are some heated tension and emotions bubbling around this Full Moon. It activates Mars, which is currently in retrograde and may illuminate some upsetting or volatile information.
October 4: Pluto Direct
Pluto is now out of retrograde and slowly moving its way forward. This is a very subtle energy, but we are likely to see more of this transformative energies of 2020 unfolding.
October 9: Mars Square Pluto
This is the second Mars Square Pluto alignment. The best way to navigate Mars-Pluto energy is to think about where you may be projecting onto others in your life.
Who or what are you blaming for not being where you want to be in your life?
October 13: Mercury Retrograde
This is the big event of the season with Mercury going retrograde along with Mars. Both of these planets in retrograde may contribute to feelings of confusion, delays, and general fogginess. Go within.
October 16: Super New Moon in Libra
The closest Super New Moon of the year, this is a beautiful New Moon that opens a portal to high-frequency energies.
October 17: Arcturian Portal
The Sun aligns with the star Arcturus. A time of awakening, heightened energy, and increased sensitivity.
October 22nd: Sun enters Scorpio
Time to find what brings us emotional support, solid foundations and sense of security. The Scorpio season reveals that which has been hidden as long as we are willing to look at what we fear. What is your vision for your future? Where do you want to grow, what do you want to learn, how can you move beyond self-imposed restrictions?
October 27th: Mercury and Venus change signs.
While Mercury is retrograding back into Libra, Venus is moving out of health and work oriented Virgo into a sign she rules, Libra. It is a breath of fresh air with the two inner planets moving into a gentler more socially lighter time.
October 31st – Taurus full moon (The month ends with a blue full moon, the second full moon of the month)
Get ready for some changing circumstances or surprises
This full moon is a time that we can tap into our higher consciousness and see life from a different perspective than the drama that is unfolding in the role that we are playing in this time.