May is definitely a busy and pivotal month, but it seems most of the year has been shaping up that way so far!
We may feel a little stop and go energy in our physical world due to all the retrogrades, but in our inner world, we can really dive deep and uncover new insights and inspirations.
Through this time of change and upheaval in the world, we still have the power to make choices and to ask ourselves- Who do I want to be in this situation?
Don’t feel that 2020 has been a bust, there is still so much opportunity to take back control and to refigure some of your goals and dreams.
Trust that you are always where you need to be and there is always some opportunity or silver lining to be found no matter where life takes you.
May 5: The Nodes Changing Signs
One of the major events of 2020 is the Lunar Nodes changing signs and this happens on May 5th.
The Lunar Nodes are not a planet but rather, a mathematical point between the Sun and the Moon. This sacred point in the sky is said to indicate our soul purpose on both a collective and individual level.
There are two Lunar Nodes, both a North Node and a South Node. The North Node represents where we are heading and what we need to learn, whereas the South Node represents where we have been and what foundation we are building upon.
Since 2018, the North Node has been in Cancer and the South Node has been in Capricorn. This means our collective lessons have centered around home and family life and our career or public work.
We may have felt a push-pull in this area or reached a new state of balance between the two. We are all definitely feeling the pull of the Nodes now too as we debate this idea of staying home to protect each other and opening things back up in order to return to work.
The placement of the Nodes indicates that collectively, we have been realigning our priorities and understanding that our worth is not defined by our work.
On May 5th, the Nodes will shift from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius, setting a new collective soul lesson in motion.
Having the Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius indicate we are moving into a time where self-expression and freedom of speech is going to be highlighted.
On a collective level, we are learning to share our story and celebrate the stories of others, but to also not get too caught up in the facts and data.This placement is about accepting other people’s truths and learning to take a simpler approach in how we choose to think about things.
May 7: Scorpio Super Full Moon
Following the shift of the Lunar Nodes, we have the Scorpio Super Full Moon.
The Scorpio Full Moon is always a potent one as it represents a time of transformation.
Under the light of the bright Scorpio Super Moon, we have increased power to make changes in our lives and in the world around us. It is a potent time for release work and creating space.
The next Full Moon we have will be an Eclipse, so this energy is also preparing us for a bigger release point that is still to come.
May 10: Saturn Retrograde
Saturn spends a good portion of the year in retrograde, so this is an energy we are familiar with and are fairly used to. As a slow moving planet, Saturn’s Retrograde is one we tend to feel on a more subtle or subconscious level.
What makes this retrograde noteworthy however, is that Saturn just moved into Aquarius back in March. This was a big shift and we are set to relive it during this retrograde.
As Saturn backtracks through Aquarius, we will find ourselves looking back over themes that have been present in our life since March 21st.
For many, this was around the time lockdowns began, so we are likely to see a strong emphasis on this during the month of May.
In July, Saturn will eventually reach Capricorn for one last time to deliver the final gifts of the karmic lessons we have been working on over the last 2.5 years.
May 12/13: Venus Retrograde
Just after Saturn, Venus in Gemini enters Retrograde, which will last until the end of June.
Venus goes retrograde every 1.5 years or so, making it one of the more powerful retrogrades we can experience.
This retrograde cycle is likely to be spiritually charged and may bring some strong intuitive insights or dreams on matters relating to the heart. This is due to the fact that Venus aligns in a square or 90-degree configuration with Neptune three times. The first happens just before the retrograde on May 3, the second on May 20, and then the final on July 27.
Venus Retrograde is always a time of healing and forgiveness when it comes to the relationship with ourselves, others, and money, so we may notice this trend as the retrograde begins.
May 14: Jupiter Retrograde
Jupiter also goes retrograde in Capricorn on May 14th, which will add to the slowing down of energy in the cosmos.
This is really a time of backtracking, looking things over, and reflection.
Jupiter Retrograde will be highlighting themes of abundance and our feelings of prosperity.
It will also invite us to look back on themes that were stirring in the end of December 2019, especially around our finances.
May 16-20: The Pleiades and Gemini Season
Just before Gemini Season begins on May 20th, the Sun will align with Alcyone, which is one of the brightest stars in the Pleiades.
Alcyone aligning with the Sun brings strong feminine energy and will help to enhance our intuition and feelings of creativity.
We may find ourselves more open to cosmic downloads and receiving divine or galactic messages too.
May 22: Gemini New Moon
The Gemini New Moon will activate the new placement of the Lunar Nodes and Venus Retrograde themes.
It also carries some sweeter, lighter energy that will help us to feel motivated when it comes to starting new projects.
As we reach the end of the month, we start to prepare for a new Eclipse cycle to begin. We may feel a big release on the way or an ending drawing near.