Alter the currency of your nervous system! In this short, insanely powerful meditation, we bust through stress and reset our brain’s electromagnetic field. We do this through practicing Breath of Fire with Lion’s Paw mudra, criss-crossing the wrists above the head. We end in a blissful, silent, seated meditation. This is also fantastic for stimulating the lymphatic system. Enjoy this reset!
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.
Mudra: Make both hands into Lion’s Paws: curl and tighten the fingers of each hand. Keep the tension in the hands throughout the exercise. Extend both arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground with the palms up.
Eyes: Eyes closed.
Breath and Mantra: Bring both arms up over the head so that the hands pass each other over the crown of the head. The elbows bend and the palms face down. Then bring the hands back down as you extend the arms out parallel again. Start a rhythmic motion in this way. Alternate which wrist is in front when they cross by each other over the head. Create a powerful breath with the motion of the arms. Inhale as the arms extend and an exhale as the arms cross over the head until it becomes a steady Breath of Fire (inhale/exhale through the nose powerfully – naval will automatically pump).
Time: Continue for 9 minutes.
To End: Without breaking the pace of the exercise, stick the tongue out and down all the way. Continue the motion and Breath of Fire for 15 seconds more. Then inhale, bring in the tongue and fix the arms at an arc around the head with the palms facing down about six inches apart over the head. The hands are still in Lion’s Paws. Hold the breath for 15 seconds. Keep the arms fixed as you exhale and inhale completely. Then hold the breath for 30 seconds. Relax and let the arms down.