Within you is an incredible source of love, power, wisdom, knowledge, and Divinity. Use these energies
as a reminder to connect with that.
The crossed thumbs help neutralize your mind’s frantic calculations to avoid fear and pain. It is the
calculations themselves that produce anxiety and get you out of touch with the resources of your
intuition and heart. This meditation clears the fear of the future which has been created by your
subconscious memories of the past. It connects you to the flow of life through your Heart Center. Start
with 11 minutes and gradually work up to 31 minutes of practice.
Sit comfortably in Easy Pose.
Begin by resting the back of the left hand in the palm of the right hand.
Grab the left hand with the right, so that the right thumb nestles in the left palm.
Cross the left thumb over the right. The fingers of the right hand curve around the outside of the left
hand and hold it gently.
Place this mudra at the Heart Center, resting against the chest.
Holding your hands in this way will give you a peaceful, secure feeling.