The New Moon in Gemini on May 22nd marked the beginning of a new cycle and a new fresh start.
Gemini is positive, optimistic energy and lives in the excitement that comes before taking that leap…akin to the moment before you cliff-jump, like the fool card in tarot. Remember fear is really just excitement disguised. We’re in a major life review in terms of our communication, relationships, values, money mindset, how we see our place in the world, how we spend our time, what we’re learning and what we view as true and false for us. It’s like #fullresetmode.
Gemini will ask us to take care of our lungs, arms, hands and shoulders.
This sign is bringing a fun, curious, inquisitive and versatile energy to the current new climate.
This season we’ll be using Gemini energy to help us emerge back into the world softly and graciously and begin to recreate the way we interact with others and rebuild our communication structures and relationships to be stronger and more intuitively developed. After getting to deeply know our inner world and true selves in grounded Taurus we’re ready to shift into the collaborative, vibrant Gemini season.
The urge for more knowledge, curiosity and sociable energy of this season is motivating us to strengthen our relationships and explore what we can develop and what new experiences we can flow into.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of expression and communication. Not only does Mercury have to do with how you are communicating day-to-day, whether that is concisely, freely & openly, professionally, thoughtfully, etc. This planet is also interested in making connections of everything in our lives, but it is also highly curious and wants to make sense of everything!
We’re faced with an outpour of duality (Gemini is ruled by the twins – masculine + feminine) and conflicting ideals throughout society during this time and it’s our job to elevate ourselves.
Suggested affirmations for the Gemini season:
I embrace my inner knowing.
My body and mind are connected.
I am the commander of my mind.
I choose to focus on the positive.
KEYWORDS for attuning to this cycle:
Communication, Self-Expression, Socializing, Lighthearted Interactions, Cheerful, Fun, Responsive, Creativity, Kindred Spirits, Visionary
KEYWORDS that take energy away:
Restless, Distracted, Judgmental, Overwhelmed, Insincere, Deceitful, Scattered
So many planets are in retrograde. This is the revise, refresh, renew period.
We entered Gemini season with four planets in Retrograde (Rx) motion:
Saturn Rx in Aquarius (Reviewing what you’re doing in the world, your discipline, habits, and how you spend your time – 5/11-9/29)
Jupiter Rx in Capricorn (Reviewing your studies, your money mindset, and your connection to your divine purpose – 5/14-9/13)
Pluto Rx in Capricorn (Reviewing how you view yourself in society, your work-life, relationships to the masculine energy- 4/25-10/4)
Venus Rx in Gemini (Reviewing your relationships, how you communicate with others, your values moving into the new paradigm, your connections, and deciphering what is truth and what is not for YOU – 5/13-6/25)
Then we move closer to another Jupiter (luck, growth, expansion) conjunct Pluto (transformation, death/rebirth) in Capricorn (societal structures, career, masculine) moment on June 30th, we just experienced this aspect on 4/4 which opened up a new portal to a full Earth paradigm shift. The final conjunction in Capricorn (meaning the planets work together) happen on November 12, 2020. The old top-down patriarchal society is having a tower moment and crumbling to be rebuilt into something new.
Beginning with this New Moon in Gemini and into 2021 we will experience the search and the filtering of what is true information and what is not, and we’ll need to make sense of this and synthesize all this information, almost as if we’re fully as a planet transiting through the 4th dimension mental plane to ascend into the 5th dimension of unconditional love and unity. We’re on a journey together this year.
You can see how this quarantine has slowed us down to be able to take this review period seriously and really consider our actions, thoughts, words, deeds, and visions for the future.
From now until 2024 when Pluto finally exits Capricorn, we will see the paradigm on the planet shift, turn and change, but the pressure we feel now will get lighter towards the end of the year when Saturn and Jupiter move into Aquarius beginning December 17 and December 21, 2020, respectively. Queue the full-on Aquarian Age Universal Kick-Off.
So we’re expecting lots of change, lots of reviews, in the coming months but what about right now at this very moment? What is available to us?
May 22 – New Moon in Gemini
Our relationships with others and how we hold ourselves in our relationships are important during this new moon. How do you show up, what do you value in your relationships, how do you communicate and treat others? It will also be a time to re-evaluate how much information we take in, where we’re getting the information, the caliber of it, and learning how to trust our intuition to hone in on what is true for us and what is not.
May 28 – Mercury enters Cancer
Gemini’s ruling planet and the ruler of communication entered fluid Cancer where we take in information on a deeper, more intuitive level. What to trust and what to not trust? We will use our minds but then assimilate the information within our emotional body. We are feelers as humans after all, so this transit helps us to take all this information in and start to determine what our truth is and what is not. Gemini season is chatty but through this transit, we may be more chatty about our feelings, or just choose to not discuss them all together and retreat back into our quarantine shells to process everything.
June 5 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (9:13 pm)
A Full Moon occurs when the Sun in Gemini forms an opposition to the Moon in Sagittarius. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon.
Full Moons are always emotional, but Full Moon Eclipses are THAT much more so. Lunar eclipses are more of an internal illumination than their solar eclipse counterparts. We’re still now on this journey more than ever of sifting through and weighing what is true and what is not right now and we may see secrets in the collective surface up and within our own personal lives as well. Lots of feeling, processing, forgiving, and clearing happening. The clarity we saw from the new moon may get even more clear for us during this time and we’re going to be feeling it, processing it, and wanting to talk about it. The Full Moon in Sagittarius can make us more emotionally impulsive (aka social media blow-ups), so remember to search for the truth that feels right to you using your minds and feeling body before taking action.
June 18 – Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer
Mercury will add to the Retrograde stew and slow down, entering Cancer on June 18. The focus will be on communication, commerce and technology…but the area up for review is our family and home life. Our focus turns into this direction and how our home functions, our communication with our families (or friend-families), and relationships with our family members can become important. Healing familial bonds is core to ascension and it helps us to stop the cycles of energy past on from generations before us.
We could reconnect with estranged family members, or we could map out a better way to conduct home-life balance especially when more and more families are spending time together.
Many people may get new business ideas, or find their passions, get in touch with their intuition, and figure out new ways to call in abundance for their families.
The Sun will move into Cancer on June 20. Enjoy this month of inquisitive, social, playful energy amidst a major planetary transformation and review period! You’ve got this!