July 1 – Saturn Retrograde moves from Aquarius into Capricorn
Political and societal systems will be under even more pressure when Saturn retrogrades from Aquarius (freedom fighting and schooling the world on injustice) into Capricorn (like the board coming in to fire a corrupt CEO)…so we’ll see what manifests within the US government as well as what happens on the world stage. We are seeing more clearly than ever and we will likely see more world events that are not getting the media coverage and attention they deserve…and we won’t be able to unsee them.
July 5 – Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (12:44 am)
A Full Moon occurs when the sun forms an opposition to the moon. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse rests on the Cancer-Capricorn axis and is the last of this summer eclipse season. This is the final eclipse of a series on the Capricorn/Cancer axis that started in July 2018 and the last final nudge to resolve issues in terms of our career and families.
This eclipse is illuminating a balance between our commitment to our responsibilities to the outside world and our personal life…as well as our inner emotional world and the outward structures in the 3D realm.
Capricorn represents the political and societal structures we live under and eclipses like to magnify and “eclipse” things out of our lives. Something has been brewing inside us individually and collectively and an emotional full moon eclipse we could see something monumental and historic happen around this day and up to 30 days thereafter.
To make the most of this Full Moon we will need to use our voices and express our feelings to generate the change we want to see.
July 12 – Mercury turns direct in Cancer
Communications will get a little wonky today through July 26 so take it slow and let yourself get back in the groove. Reflect on what you accomplished during the retrograde and take the next two-ish weeks to continue to wrap anything up you need to! Mercury will remain in Cancer giving us those sweet, nurturing and emotionally charged conversations until August 4.
July 20 – New Moon in Cancer (1:33 pm )
Fresh Start. This new moon encourages the collective to take a deep breath and wipe the slate clean. A new chapter and long sustainable change will start from our emotional world being clear and aligned, and extend out into our personal home and family and because this new moon is opposing Saturn in Capricorn…it will not let you forget to keep your eye on the target of dismantling the systems that oppress some and grant freedom to others. You may feel the intensity of being boxed in or smothered from Saturn which may spark a fire inside to go after what you want. The desire for reorganization, harmony and social justice will be top of mind as we usher in a new chapter.