We will have a reflective month of February, and of March, to begin to gain greater insight as to what we are really up to. The potent Leo Full Moon February 9th makes a grand trine with Mars in Sagittarius and Eris in Aries, which could indicate a renewed determination to walk your actual walk, along the lines of your actual talk, responding in depth to the subtle stirrings of pleasure and internal happiness. Simultaneously with the Full Moon, Venus is in close conjunction with Chiron further ensuring depth of inner connection, and a greater awareness of the hidden places within your psyche that are the residue of early childhood trauma, still floating through your present-day existence as complexes of behavior and unwanted dysfunctional habit patterns that your Higher Self is desiring to move beyond, bringing these walled-off parts into the light of greater conscious awareness. This Leo Lunation truly wants you to be happy and get rid of old baggage.
Here’s a fun breakdown
A wonderful Leo Full Moon blesses us with joy and empowerment.
This Full Moon is trine Mars and quincunx Pluto.
With the Moon and Sun at 20° (aquarius and Leo) a powerful 20:20:20:20 code is activated.
Pluto empowers and transforms through truth.
Mars activates and directs energy with assertiveness.
20 brings harmony, acute listening and equilibrium.
Your passions are heightened. Your creativity is wonderfully enhanced. Your inner courage and drive are at full throttle.
Thus, creative solutions are easily accessed now.
Add in the Leo factor of leadership, loyalty and love and we have a resolute, enthusiastic, playful and determined lunation.
You are discovering new outlets for your creative self-expression.
On February 16th, Mars, the planet of motivation, will move into Capricorn, adding to the line up of planets we have in Earth signs.
While Mars in Capricorn is traditionally a very ambitious placement, the sheer amount of earthy energy may make us feel like we are dragging our feet a little. We may feel heavy or find ourselves struggling to find the motivation to move forward.
Having this extra weight to carry reminds us to stop, pause, and reflect a little before moving ahead. In fact, if you are lacking motivation throughout the month, giving yourself permission to pause for a moment just may bring you the inspiration you are looking for.
Mars will be supporting our highest ambitions while in Capricorn, so there is great energy to use here too, we may just have to be a little patient and tactical when it comes to how we use it. This is especially true as a few days later we have the first Mercury Retrograde of the year!
Mercury will Retrograde from February 17th to March 10th, through the water sign of Pisces and the air sign of Aquarius.
When Mercury goes retrograde we are really encouraged to slow down and rely on our subtler senses. Our intuition, our gut feelings, our sixth sense are all heightened during a Mercury Retrograde, especially one that is moving through a water sign like Pisces.
Following Mercury going Retrograde, we have the Sun moving into the sign of Pisces, which is the 12th and last sign of the zodiac.
The Sun moving into Pisces on the 18th-19th is a time of culmination and completion.
We have reached the end of a cycle, we have lived through all phases of the Sun and now it is time for us to celebrate, tie up loose ends, and harvest all we have sown.
Pisces Season is a very spiritual time as well. It’s a time where we can really reflect on the lessons and gifts of the last 12 months before the new cycle begins again.
To help us with our reflection and spiritual work, Neptune, the planet of spirituality will form a sextile with Jupiter, the planet of abundance on February 20th.
While this happens exactly on the 20th, it is something we are likely to feel brewing all through the month.
Neptune and Jupiter aligning in this sextile configuration is special in 2020, because it happens three times. This is very rare, and indicates a strong and powerful message from the Universe.
Jupiter sextile Neptune is a peaceful, supportive, and healing alignment that acts as a helping hand as we make our way through the potent 2020 energies.
It comes to soothe, aid, and guide us as we raise our vibration and consciousness to new levels.
This is beautiful energy and something we can enjoy this month and again in July-August and October.
The soothing vibes then continue with the Pisces New Moon on February 23th, which is soft, harmonious, and sensitive. It is a beautiful New Moon that will prepare us for the grand new beginnings that come in March with the start of the astrological year.
Overall, February is a warming month that will bring a softening to some of the harsher energies we have been experiencing.
With Mercury in Retrograde, we may have to pause and slow down when it comes to our outer world, but that only leaves the door wide open for us to get in touch with our inner world.