With 2 full moons this month, I felt it appropriate to include this meditation. It is to be done ONLY on the Full Moon!
Antar Naad Mudra for Full Moon
Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Ray Sa Sa, Sa Rang
Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Ray Har Har, Har Rang
Mudra and Movement: Put the hands flat together in Prayer Pose at the Navel Point.
As the mantra starts with Sa Ray Sa Sa start to bring the palms up the center front of the torso, about 4·6 inches in front of the body.As you pass the Heart Center, begin to open the hand mudra to make an open lotus by the time the hands reach the level of the Brow Point.
The open lotus has the base of the palms together. The little fingertips touch, the thumb tips touch, and the rest of the fingers are spread open.
As the mantra begins Har Ray Har Har turn the fingers to point down, with the back of the hands touching.
It is a reverse Prayer Pose. Slowly bring this mudra down the chakras in rhythm with the music until the fingertips reach the Navel Point on the sounds Har Rang. Then turn them around and begin again.
Time: 11 – 31 minutes.
Antar Naad Mudra is the meditation that opens the chakras for the full effect of any other mantra. It is a sensitizing meditation for the impact of the inner sound current. It is the base of all mantras. The original practice of mastery in mantra required that you master this before any other mantra practice. The esoteric structure of the mantra is coded in the qualities each of the sounds represent, and the rhythm that weaves them together into a coherent and powerful effect. SAA means the Infinite, the totality, God. It is the element of ether. It initiates and contains all other effects. It is subtle and beyond. HAR is the creativity of the earth. It is the dense element. It is the power of manifestation, the tangible, the personal. These sounds are woven together then projected through the sound of UNG or complete totality, like the original sound AUM or ONG.
Anyone who practices this meditation is granted prosperity, creativity, and protection against attacks. It gives new power to your words. It brings luck.